Sunday, March 6, 2011

Family puzzle pieces

I got a bug up my butt yesterday to officially start doing research on my family.  It's all I could think about last night and today.  What's interesting is that I found out my late great-uncle's 100th birthday would have been March 5 and I found a bulletin where my father won a weightlifting competition on March 5, 1988.    And I found this on March 5.  Yeah.  Both deceased sides of my family gave me a sign to start this!

My mother's side is a cinch.  Every time I think I've hit a dead end, I find more connections and information that bring the puzzle together.  I love seeing all the different lineage sprouting from people on the tree I'm making on  My cousin is also a huge help.  She was born in '43 and has either met so many of the family that I haven't or had more records than my mom did.  My grandmother remembers quite a bit, but not in as much detail with some family members as my cousin.  I'm finding lots of interesting papers and history from my heritage.  Thank goodness Mom saved all this stuff!

There is a fascinating article about my great-great-uncle Simon Nicholls, a former major league baseball player at the turn of the 20th century.  He died of typhoid fever when he was 28 but not before leaving his mark on baseball and having two children.   His son was the greatest uncle ever to me, and I cried my eyes out when he died on Halloween in 1992.  He's the one who would have been 100 yesterday.   

What's really giving me agita is trying to dig up my father's lineage.  My father was a psychotic piece of shit who died of a heart attack at 38.  I was 10.  The man was just manic and overdid everything, including abusing a young daughter and her disabled mother.  He was the black sheep, and his family, who met me twice, essentially shunned me.  My grandparents were both dead by the 70s.  So, I know nothing.  Nada.  Well, that's a lie, I do know a few things.  I believe my great-uncle is still living in Philadelphia if Google is to be trusted.  But I have an aunt out there....never met, don't even know her last name.  I don't even quite know what my father's full name was since my grandfather changed their surname in the 50s (he was Sicilian, draw your own conclusions).  I have family nearby that have a different last name than me.  That's how whenever anyone asks me if I'm related to so-and-so, I can confidently say nope!  I gathered all the pictures I have from my father's life and just need to grab the slides.  There's not too much helpful about them except that they used to call him by a different nickname.  I vaguely remember my mother mentioning that with him, but I just can't pinpoint it. 

So now I'm totally lost over finding who they are!  I just want to know lineage and medical history, nothing more.  I don't want to get to know people.  They made their stance perfectly clear 20 years ago, and I am perfectly fine with dropping my surname and starting my own family.  The only person I have an interest in meeting (if she's even still alive) is my aunt.  Still, I'm going to have to go to Philly and dig up things, I know it.  The internet has just too much information sometimes. 

I also need to find the obit of the family friend who was supposed to be my godfather before he was mugged and stabbed to death in 1982.  We have two of his paintings up in the house, and I just found a card he gave me for my 1st birthday.  I just wish so dearly that I had gotten to truly meet him.  My grandmother has always wished he was my biological father, as I could have been spared so much pain, and maybe life would have been different.  Or if he hadn't died so early, he could have protected us from my father.  But still, life happens for a reason, and I may not have met the people in my life who are so dear to me. And I know that not meeting L would have been the worst thing that could have happened to me.  The man is truly my soulmate. 

This is all very therapeutic, but very frustrating.  I'm desperately trying to put together the pieces of my background before I move on with my life.  I know it won't happen overnight, but I'm trying my best.  It just gets so frustrating sometimes to see all this family sprouting from my name and knowing that I wasn't a part of so much.  That's ok, my life was weird, but it's still disconcerting at times. 


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

American Idol S10 Top 12 Girls

This is a special entry, as my Idol buddy (and bff of 21 years) Danielle is over for our annual early season get-together!   We would do it more frequently years ago when we were really invested in the seasons, but we make a point to do it once a season.  Season 5 was our ultimate year (Daughtry for her, Elliott for me), and our other favorites included Bo Bice and David Cook.  Naturally, we’ve seen all of the above in concert, along with seasons 3-8.  We are Idol nerds, and we love it.  She’s 9 months pregnant, and this is the last Idol we’ll watch together before she becomes a mommy.  Here we go!

Ry, you’re looking kinda hot tonight.

J-Lo, what the hell are you wearing??  Thigh high leather boots and a shimmery disco ball are not meant to be worn together. 

Look, Randy’s trying to be philosophical, and it just sounds like a bunch of words running around in a circle. 

Oh, I’ll bring it on, Steven.  His teeth are totally capped.  “They gotta sing like it’s their encore song.”  Thank you ST.  Let’s hope the girls get the message tonight! 

Wow, Lauren Alaina didn’t get the pimp spot?  Holy hell.

Ta-tynisia- Only Girl In the World.  A recent song I have on my iPod!  Amazing!  I am digging the hot pink background. But the singing is pitchy, dawg.  This girl has no range at all.  J-Lo, you just meant that it was good that it’s over, right?  They are being far too nice.  Randy is making sense, once again, and I really am terrified.  10 years, and he’s finally a judge.

Danielle says….Good song choice for her.
Naima- Summertime.  Hey, this badass looking chick got the hot seat with Ry.  And now she’s actually attempting to cover the song that made Fantasia a legend on the show.  Not that I care about freakin Faaaantasia or her interpretation, but this is risky, especially if you’re just going to go around smiling and unhinging your jaw.  I was left cold with this.  I just…I dunno.  It didn’t do anything for me.  I can see what Steven means with the “new old timey,” I just didn’t care for it here. 

Danielle says…Entertaining because of her personality.

Kendra-  Impossible.  Catwoman, much?  Or as L said, ready for Steven Tyler’s dressing room.  Hmm.  I liked the beginning, but I just don’t see much soul, just a lot of sexy posturing.   What’s with all the amazing comments?  Sheesh.  Kendra Chantelle, you are no chanteuse. 

Danielle says…You’re real white.

Rachel- Criminal.  Now this girl is interesting, and I’m glad she finally got her chance.  And…. I am LOVING the dramatics.  And the dress.  And the song.  Cabaret Fiona.  Working the stage a little early, huh…but this is a song where you would want to work the audience if you’re going for the burlesque angle.  Looks like I’m alone on this.  STEVEN.  There is NOTHING wrong with Broadway.  Pffft.  J-LO.  RANDY.  SHUT. UP.  Maybe I’m just destined for Broadway pop too.  Whatevs.  First time this season I’ve been pissed. 

Danielle says…Like that she did something different, but not this version.  Told you they’d criticize her.

Karen- Hero.  *RETCHING*   It’s nice that she’s mixing Spanish with English, but why this song?  Can we put a moratorium on some crazy overused Idol songs?  This girl’s range isn’t strong enough for this version.  Ok, so it’s ok that she made this her own, but it’s not ok that Rachel did something a little more dated?  Oh, but then Naima had that Ella Fitzgerald vibe.  Hmm, once again Broadway is shit upon.  I’ll let Danielle shut me up and sum this up.

Danielle says…You can’t sing Mariah Carey on Idol.  So smart to sing in two languages though.

Lauren Turner- Seven Day Fool.  I like the tone of her voice and her outfit.  Why are we seeing the judge’s close-ups?  We both agree that Lauren makes scary faces but sings very well.  Googled and found out this is an Etta James song, which is flat out awesome.  I love getting to learn about music like this.  Yes, judges, bluesy soul flavor.  I really enjoyed this.  Strong performance, personality, and a great voice.  Like Steven said, a perfect, full complete sentence. 

Danielle says…I liked it.  Good that J-Lo gave both good and bad criticism, they need that balance. 

Ashton- Love All Over Me.  Very good voice, but she gets a little pitchy when she hits higher notes.  I agree with the judges, she definitely has confidence, and she presents herself well.  However, I don’t love that she chooses big songs.

Danielle says…Token diva of the season.
L says…Why can we see her nipples?

Julie- Breakaway.  Yet another Idol alum song choice!  And she did it in a pretty princess prom dress.  Ugh to both appearance and performance.  You can totally see J-Lo’s Bitch Please face going on there.  And yet she still finds a “nice” way to say she doesn’t like it.  Total Paula vibe, once again.  Hey pretty pretty princess, don’t get pissy, you sucked. 

Danielle says…Karaoke-ish.

Haley- Fallin’.  GET A MORATORIUM ON THESE OVERDONE SONGS.  Anyone who thinks they have any bit of diva sultry soul in them goes straight for this Alicia Keys hit.  Her mouth scares me, and that’s a trashy bargain bin dress.  Haley, remove that bitchface, pronto. Randy is right.  I have not liked this girl’s voice from Hollywood through now.  And now I don’t like her, as any criticism immediately sent her into pickle lipped whatevs mode. 

Danielle says…No no no, go away, you’re bad. 

Thia- Out Here On My Own.  Very strong voice.  I only listened to her performance, and I never would have guessed she’s 15.  Of course the judges are frothing at the mouth, and I agree regarding talent, but I personally would have liked to see her sing a different song.  But that cute hug with RyRy just pushed that thought out of my head.  Awww.  I won’t even bitch about how the judges didn’t mention one word about this being a musical theatre song. 

Danielle says…Amazing voice.

Lauren Alaina- Turn on the Radio.  This girl doesn’t look or sound 16, and I like her so much better with straight hair.  I actually get a Jessica Sierra vibe from her.  Anywho, this is a very strong performance with a lot of energy, blah blah blah Chosen One.  Oh grassy knoll cynicism, I knew you didn’t leave me.  She got the glass clink from Steven, which the delightful Annie Barrett from EW has pointed out as the ultimate sign he loves a performance.  Ok, now she’s got my vote by calling Ryan “Peaches” thanks to their shared Georgia origin.  RyRyPeach. 

Danielle says…Good song choice for a 16-year-old, and she has stage presence. 

Pia- I’ll Stand By You.  This got the pimp spot?  Really?  She better pull out some kind of magic, and fast.  Strong voice, old school Idol feel…oh wait, here comes the angelic heavenly light and camera pimping and overly done final runs.  Strong, but it just felt so familiar.  What did I miss?  Why is this the first standing O?  Why is everyone losing their shit? 

Danielle says…She did good on the high notes, but the rest of the song was just ok.    

Kind of a boring night, but the girls definitely had more energy than the boys.  There were more clear cut clunkers tonight, however. 

My predictions:

You’re safe!  Glass clinks for all: 
Pia, Thia, Lauren A, Lauren T, Ashton

You’re biting your 10 inch acrylic tips:
Kendra, Naima, Haley, Karen

You will activate your Lauren Alaina voodoo doll:
Rachel, Julie, Ta-tynisia

If I had my way, I would switch out Ashton for Rachel. 

I most likely won’t be blogging the results shows unless there’s a really insane result.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

American Idol S10 Top 12 Guys

THIS is A-MER-ican Idol!  I did miss that, Ry.  I said it with you while looking at your face in 40 in HD for the first time.  That is some shiny ass product and gel you’ve got going there. 

During the second episode of this season, I noticed that the credits don’t just have the winners anymore.  They now include Chris Daughtry, Adam Lambert, and Jennifer Hudson.  Good thing, because they’re more famous than some of the winners! 

Oh RyRy, I truly hope you actually dropped the f-bomb there, because for reals, you going off on a curse filled tangent in Knocked Up was hot.  Notice they didn’t give Steven much time to talk.  That bleep sign is actually sort of cute.

Here we go with the top 12 boys!  7 of them will be cut along with 7 girls on Thursday.  Wild cards (2, I’m assuming) will be chosen by the judges. 

Clint-  Superstition.  Fittingly, that is a karaoke song, but he has proven that he’s no amateur.  But seriously?  How many damn times has that song been performed on this show??  And man is he trying to throw out the Lambert-esque wail.  Steven, you’re a bit effusive with the praise there.  The other two were right.  Good, but nothing special at all.  Sorry you got dreaded first spot because no one’s going to remember that. 

Jovany-  I’ll Be.  AHHHH.  AWWW COME ON.  AHHHH.  Yeah, that was my exact reaction to the first couple chords of this sappy overfilled crapfest of a song.  If they pull out Against All Odds, I’m screaming bloody murder.  Holy shipyards, Steven?  Really?  Huh.  Wow, when did Randy become the voice of reason??  Maybe he really did listen to Simon besides parrot him.  In any event, this guy’s voice is good, but it’s nothing to go shipballs over.  This is more than just a good first effort, J-Lo.  These kids don’t get a couple more weeks to prove themselves; it’s essentially now or never.

Jordan-  O.M.G.  His voice got swallowed up at the beginning.  I don’t even know this song, which makes me old, but he was good once he started relaxing.  But are the girls paid to scream already?  Or is his bod actually just that hot?  Ok, so this is being panned by the judges who are talking about how he’s not like this, and he agrees.  So you try to be someone different on your one chance?  Not too brilliant there, dude.  What’s sad is that I barely remember him from Hollywood, and I know he was featured a lot, so I couldn’t even tell you whether this is a departure from his normal style.
Tim-  Come On Over.  I really grew to like this guy by the end of Hollywood.  It might be because his name Tim Halperin reminds me of Jim Halpert.  Not loving this song on him, damn.  Hey, the judges agree with me!  It only took them 4 contestants.  I think this guy deserves a chance though.  Maybe I’ll figure out who he looks like….wait!  I got it!  He smiled, and I realize he looks like Adam Pascal with bangs.  Same purty mouth and sleepy eyes.
Brett-  Light My Fire.  Oh underage honey.  This is such a sexy song; you shouldn’t be trying to get my pants aflame!  Same arrangement as Michael Johns’s version years ago.  Like the hair tosses.  He’s very androgynous.  Really can’t wait to hear what Steven says, because I think he has a nice mellow vibe and good wails.  Ooh!  ST likes.  J-Lo thinks he’s outdiva’d her and Beyonce, which is really an insurmountable feat.  14 hair tosses?  Get this boy a Pantene commercial. 
So, I just literally LOL’d at him running into Ry’s arms.  God I’m so happy that the show has been revamped so I wouldn’t miss gems like this.  Seriously, I was ready to quit after having obsessively watched from seasons 3-9, gone to the show concerts and alum shows, watched Rewind for seasons 1 & 2, almost blew up my hard drive with mp3s, and even got the board game.  But thank god they got my all time favorite musician in the world to be a new judge.  You don’t realize how obsessed I’ve been with Aerosmith since I was 13.  I’ve seen them 4 times in concerts and saw Idol 6 times.  That is mind-boggling, and I am so glad both worlds collided. 
James-  You Got Another Thing Coming.   Ah, the kid who has a Lambert-Tyler scream and a lot of issues.  Naturally, he was a producer’s fave.  I haven’t typed much about this because I was too busy watching ST’s reaction.  Thank you for clarifying it was Judas Priest.  I’m now going to have to turn in my hard rock devotee card.  Maybe I didn’t type much about this because I actually enjoyed it!  How about that!  Yeah, Steven won’t let this guy go anywhere. 
Robbie- Arms of an Angel .  I can guarantee that my mom would have loved him.  He reminds me of someone I was in a film camp with years ago.  Lovely voice, but I’m already snoozing.  I’ll just focus on his nose.  I like big noses.   Ok, I googled, and that’s Sarah McLachlan.  Oh wait, that’s that damn animal commercial that I can’t watch!  Great dude, now when I think of Robbie, I’ll think of homeless puppies.  J-Lo and ST are calling him special and all, but Randy’s saying it like it is.  I won’t declare this Bizarro Night because the first two are still new and haven’t had time to feel comfortable being bitchy yet. 
Scotty- Letters From Home .  Slow deep drawling.  Gee.  Sur-priiiise, sur-priiiiise.  This kid may be fine in the country world, but I’ll admit 95% ignorance of that world.  Just glad he knows yet another song!  I do agree with Randy, it’s old school country.  Ok, seriously, my fingers do not feel right typing agree + Randy. 
Stefano- Just the Way You Are.  More slow tempo.  Ugh.  He has a pretty tenor.  Oh, I actually know this song now!  Amazing.  Steven and Jennifer are just kinda boring with their generally positive reviews.  Yet, I truly do think Steven means what he says, because he truly appreciates all music.  But this praise was more deserved than the last two, for sure.  Oh lord Ry, nice producer pimp.  I think this guy is sweet.
Paul- Maggie May.  Ooooh, I really liked him in Hollywood.  His Blackbird was just so lovely.  He’s my favorite coming into tonight.  I like that he’s singing something that has not been done before (as far as I can see in my memory rolodex of Idol songs).  His voice is so truly unique, and he’s endearing with a gorgeous smile and good energy.  I’m totally won by him tonight.  ST is the king of character within the voice and stage presence, so that’s quite a compliment.  J-Lo is doing her own version of a Paula drool….joy to the world when he smiles?  Oh boy.  I’d like to embrace this kind of singer too, Randy.  Indeed.  Indeeeed. 
Jacob- A House Is Not a Home.  Did Randy call his God Bless the Child the single best ever on Idol?  Oh boy.  Nope, no hype there, Jackson.  Tonight, this is definitely a good choice for his style and voice.  Nice suit.  I appreciate a little spiffiness sometimes, especially for a classic like this.  That was a kickass final note, even Steven swooned.  Divine intervention?  Sheesh, that’s a little over-the-top.  Ok Jennifer, Randy, he did it in Vandross style for sure, but this was a Bacharach/Warwick original, and I can certainly hear that influence as well.  Come on now. 
Casey- I Put a Spell on You.  Oooooh.  I LOVE this song.  I LOVE his passion right now.  That is a performance!  I don’t even care that he’s not technically the best singer.  He is SELLING THIS SHIT AND I AM BUYING IT ALL.  Loved his bass performance in Hollywood and was looking forward to seeing him, but I sure as hell wasn’t expecting this!  Oh lordy, that was awesome!  It’s so much fun to watch Steven’s face during performances.  Sometimes he’s quietly grooving, other times he is swooning.  Right now he’s just really giving a real talkback, and I appreciate that.  Casey is Seth Rogen-esque, but J-Lo’s right:  He’s sexy.  He works it.  
My predictions:
Who should be giddy in anticipation of a summer concert paycheck:
James, Casey, Paul, Scotty, Jacob
Who should start repacking their suitcase:
Brett, Tim, Clint, Robbie
Who should already be in the airport terminal:
Stefano, Jovany, Jordan
If I had my way, the 6 guys for top 12 would be Paul, Casey, James, Brett, Tim, and Stefano.  But that’s just me! 
I was bored by a lot of song choices tonight.  A lot of them did not bring their best to the table, and that’s stupid because if they’re voted out, they may not even get a chance for wild card.  Here’s hoping the girls bring it tomorrow, because it is so time for a lady win again!